

New website

New website

We are happy to bring to you the new Mary Black Homepage. The website has undergone some major changes. Besides a new look, the main changes that have been made are:
  • The discography section now contains links to Mary's albums and songs on iTunes.
  • The YouTube video section contains ten videos taken from the Twenty-five Years - Twenty-five Songs DVD which you can watch using the videoplayer on this site. Each month another selection of ten videos from that DVD will be made available.
  • The sidebar on the right side of each page gives you an quick overview of the upcoming concerts and latest news. It also highlights an item available in the webshop and gives you direct access to one of the available videos.
  • You can now choose for yourself what visual theme to use when visiting this site. There are currently three themes available ("25 Years"," Full Tide" and "Babes in the Wood"), but more will follow soon. You can pick a theme using the selection box in the sidebar.
  • The music player - which can be activated from the sidebar - now contains two additional tracks: "The Real You" and a live recording of "Bless the Road".
  • Mary’s biography has been updated.
  • The photo galleries now not only allow you to browse through the available photos, but also gives you the option to watch a slideshow of those photos.
  • It is now easier to contact us via this site. In the contact section in the footer you can find all the (e-mail) addresses for you to contact us. You can even send Mary a message.
  • The use of soundclips has been extended. You can now listen to a soundclip of all Mary’s songs throughout this site: from the track listings in the discography section and from the songs and lyrics section.

Notice that we are still working on transferring all data from the previous site. Not all items in the discography section and not all galleries have been transferred yet. This will be completed in the coming weeks. Also be aware that it may take some time before Google has updated their indexes, so the search function in the sidebar may not work in the first few weeks.

We hope you will enjoy this new site. If you have any feedback (whether it being positive or negative), please contact us about it so we can use your feedback to improve the site further.